"I want to see every last one of us functioning as the biggest, brightest, most wide-awake versions of ourselves."
- Heidi Priebe -
Our Self-Study Program Is Now Open For Registration

Know Yourself
Deep-dive into how your cognitive, instinctual and interpersonal self operates.

Destroy Yourself
Unlearn your cultural conditioning and throw limiting beliefs in the garbage. It's ego death time!

Create Yourself
Bring your wildest dreams to life. (Yeah, that one. I think it's time to finally work on that one.)
Hi, I'm Heidi
I've been teaching, coaching and writing about personality psychology for the past eight years. I'm also a giant-ass ENFP.
In case credentials matter to you, here are mine: I'm a psychology graduate, a Master Practitioner of NLP and Hypnosis, a meditation teacher, a holistic health coach and the author of three books related to personality type, including "The Comprehensive ENFP Survival Guide."
The gist is: I help people bring themselves to life.
Specifically, people like you.

What Does The Curriculum Look Like?
At the beginning of each week you'll have 5-10 new video lessons delivered to your inbox. The lessons are a mixture of short skits, long-form conversations and informational lectures. Feel free to complete the lessons as they come in or binge-watch them twelve weeks after the course has technically finished. We call this self-paced learning for a reason.
Curious about the course content? Let's talk about what gets covered!
Week 1: Exploring the Cognitive FUNctions
This week introduces you to the committee of Cognitive Functions that govern your thoughts, perceptions and decisions. Lessons include:
- Managing The 5000 Tabs That Are Always Open In Your Brain (Extroverted Intuition)
- So You Live Up In A Made-Up Fantasy World Inside Your Mind (Introverted Feeling)
... and many more!
Whether you're a seasoned cognitive function expert or a total beginner in the world of typology, you'll be challenged to take a deep look at your inner workings and observe your perceptions in a brand-new way.
Week 2: Mental Health & The ENFP
This week introduces some of the less-than-healthy behaviors you engage with as an ENFP. It also serves to provide perspective on when it's time to look beyond your MBTI code to address your recurring challenges. Lessons include:
- ADHD or ENFP? An interview with LMFT & ENFP Maritza Barrera
- So You Binged On Life And Now You're Crashing (Dominant-Tertiary Loops)
- ENFPs Across The Lifespan with Dr. Dario Nardi, Author of "The Neuroscience Of Personality"
... and many more!
Week 3: Emotional Intelligence & The ENFP
This week we do a deep-dive into the Emotional Intelligence system and discuss how each facet applies to the ENFP personality. Lessons include:
- Understanding The 15 Facets Of Emotional Intelligence
- How To Be Assertive Without Yelling At People
- What To Do When Someone Rudely Doesn't Follow The Script You Wrote For Them Inside Your Head
... and many more!
Week 4: ENFP Blindspots: The Shadow Functions
This week we explore the cognitive functions that you don't naturally favor - otherwise known as your blindspots! We'll work on integrating and managing what doesn't come so naturally to the ENFP psyche. Lessons include:
- How To Predict The Future Without Getting Bored (Introverted Intuition)
- The Sweet Spot Between Martyrdom and Assholery (Extroverted Feeling)
... and, you guessed it, many more!
Week 5: Your Wholehearted ENFP Life
This week I team up with some of the sharpest minds in the typology space to talk about what it means to bring your entire self to every situation as an ENFP. Lessons include:
- ENFP Childhood And Parenting with Susan Storm, Founder of Psychologyjunkie.com
- The Entrepreneurial ENFP with Joel Mark Witt, Co-founder of PersonalityHacker.com
- ENFPs & Strengthsfinder with Caitlin Hawekotte, MBTI Practitioner & CliftonStrengths Coach
... and a few more! (The lessons are long this week. If there were MANY more you'd run out of time.)
Week 6: The Life That You Were Born For Is Big
This gut-punch of a week is designed to help you start creating routines for yourself that actually serve you. Lessons include:
- The Drama Triangle & The Empowerment Dynamic for ENFPs
- Managing Your Meta-Emotions And Procrastination Triggers
- Hacking Lifestyle Design Like The Non-ENTJ You Are
... and (you ready for it?) many more!
What are people saying about the Soul Bootcamp for ENFPs?
"My experience with Heidi’s ENFP Soul Bootcamp was nothing short of life changing. I haven’t felt more in touch with myself in years and feel I truly have the tools to live MY best life in the healthiest and most authentic way possible. Heidi is absolutely brilliant in the way she has conveyed and unpacked information in an ideal way for ENFPs. The combination of video, self-paced reflection, community connection, and group calls ensures no stone is uncovered to tap into our whole selves.
Taking this course will truly be one of the best decisions you have ever made. The information you learn cannot be undone and will transform your self-understanding to set you up to reach new heights. Look no further for the true self-growth ENFPs are constantly seeking."
-Regina W
In this visionary course for ENFP’s, Heidi hands us the tools we need to dive deep and connect with our soul. Her brilliant offering is a sacred blueprint for individual and collective growth as we journey together in wide open tenderness. The course provides both the map and the means, through a series of videos and online forums that allow for new friendships and connections to grow in a fun, engaging and authentic way. Highly recommended 10/10!
-Lisa K
The ENFP Comprehensive Survival Guide was my birthplace. Now I feel like the ENFP Soul Boot Camp has resuscitated me! Its like CPR for the soul!
-Keisha C.
Q: How much of a time commitment is this course?
A: We recommend you put aside approximately 5 hours a week for watching the videos and completing the associated exercises. That means one hour a day or 30 hours consecutively. The pacing is up to you.
Q: How long will I have access to the course content for?
A: One year.
Q: I'm an INFP! Will this course apply to me?
A: Yes! But you know what will apply to you even more? The INFP Soul Bootcamp, which is now available for registration.